1. 行政院會通過「高級中等教育法」和「專科學校法」部分條文修正草案。教育部長吳清基表示,這兩項法案賦予十二年國教實施的法源依據,除了明定高級中等學校和專科學校的入學方式,都是以免試為主,也規定學生就讀高級中等學校和專科學校前三年,全面免學費,使學生有公平就學的機會。

In a meeting at the Executive Yuan, the (partial) amendments for the regulations on senior high school education and the technical colleges were passed. Minister Wu from the Ministry of Education expresses the two amendments have given the implementation of the 12-year-compulsory education a legal foundation. In the amendments, recruitment of students for senior high schools and technical colleges should be primarily exam-free. They also regulate that for the first three years, students should be exempted from tuition fees in these institutes in order to fairly receive educational opportunities.

2. 十二年國教在103學年度上路後,分為免試入學及特色招生兩大升學管道,外界質疑特色招生還是維持考試入學型態,教育部強調,特色招生並非特色學校,更不等同於明星學校,是學校有發展特色課程並經主管機關審查通過後才可辦理特色招生。

The 12-year compulsory education will be officially launched in 2014. Under this scheme, there are two ways to recruit students: one is the exam-free entrance program and the other the specialty recruitment. Outsiders challenge that the specialty entrance program still retains the traditional ways of recruiting students through exams. The Ministry of Education emphasizes that those schools which use specialty entrance program to recruit are not special schools; even, they are different from the prestigious schools. School authorities have to make the schools unique enough, pass the evaluations by the administrative offices in order to recruit students through this pathway.

3. 教育部昨天(20)舉行「紫錐廣告設計獎」頒獎典禮,行政院長吳敦義及教育部長吳清基都出席,頒獎給宣導反毒的海報設計及廣告影片獲獎者,其中有6名受刑人獲得海報類特別獎,所有優勝的反毒廣告影片也將在電影院、電視、捷運及公車上播放。

Yesterday, the Ministry of Education held an award ceremony specifically for the designing of commercial advertisements. Both Premier Wu and Minister Wu from the Ministry of Education were present. They offered prizes to those who have designed anti-drug propaganda posters and advertising films. Among the winners, 6 inmates were awarded in the ‘Special Poster Prize’ category. All the winning anti-drug advertising films will also be broadcasted in the movie theaters, on TV, MRT and buses.

4. 環保署將於年底前,在北、中、南、東區各舉辦一場「世界公民咖啡館」活動,這是非政府組織及產官學界對氣候變遷議題因應的意見蒐集平臺。第一場活動將於明天(22)在宜蘭大學體育館舉行,環保署期待東部地區的民眾可以踴躍報名參加,提供對氣候變遷因應議題的建言。

The Executive Yuan’s Environment Protection Administration (EPA) will hold an activity, dubbed, “The World Citizen’s Coffee Shop” in the northern, central, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan respectively before 2012. It will be an information collection platform from the non-government organizations, the industries, the officials, and the academia on the issue of climate change. The first activity will be held at the stadium of Yilan University tomorrow. The EPA expects residents in the eastern part of Taiwan can attend the event enthusiastically and offer suggestions regarding the issue of climate change.

5. 新北市社會局在新北市政府一樓東、西側櫥窗,設置「愛心格子舖」,展示身心障礙朋友的精心作品,第一波邀請新北市伊甸愛明發展中心,推出視障朋友各式羊毛氈手工作品,像是嬰兒滿月禮盒、茶具套組、石頭皂等。新北市社會局長李麗圳表示,「愛心格子舖」將不定期更換作品,歡迎身障福利團體一同參與。

The New Taipei City’s Social Welfare Department will put the display cabinets on the east and west side of the windows on the first floor of New Taipei City Government to show delicate works made by the physically challenged. The first display will be all kinds of wool, hand-made products made by the visually-impaired such as gifts for the one-month-year-old infants, tea sets, stone soaps and so on, promoted by the Eden Social Welfare Foundation. Li-chun Li (李麗圳), Director of the New Taipei City’s Social Affairs Bureau, expresses that the works displayed in the cabinets will be changed from time to time and the government office welcomes the social welfare groups to attend the program altogether.

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